
Horsepower Savings

For new construction and upgrades to existing hydroelectric facilities, Waukesha Bearings engineers solutions that deliver optimized reliability, durability and efficiency – including greater horsepower savings with a reduced bearing diameter.

Hydroelectric generators

Specialized Solutions

Our bearing assemblies’ specialized design features offer options to:

  • Accommodate high loads at start-up
  • Accommodate reverse rotation
  • Remove heat generated in the assembly
  • Provide corrosion resistance
  • Supply critical measurements
Horizontal pedestal bearing assembly for hydroelectric application - interior view

Horizontal Assemblies

Waukesha Bearings horizontal bearing assemblies include highly customized journal or combination journal and thrust bearings designed to interface with an external pressurized oil system or operate as a fully self-contained unit. The self-contained assembly has the advantage of allowing for a more compact pump assembly.
Journal bearing and cooling components of self-contained vertical bearing assembly

Vertical Assemblies

Waukesha Bearings customizes vertical bearing solutions to application conditions, applying options such as cooling arrangements, electrical insulation, hydrostatic lift provisions and instrumentation.
Exploded view of self-contained vertical bearing assembly
Horizontal pedestal bearing assembly for hydroelectric application

Alicura, Argentina
Ourinhos, Brazil
Rutherford Creek, British Columbia, Canada
Burkina Faso
Cameron Falls, Ontario, Canada
Guigang, China
Aswan II, Egypt
Äetsä Dam, Finland
Matarakoski, Finland
Pasabien, Guatemala
Morava, Serbia
Goat Lake, Alaska
Swan Lake, Alaska
Headgate Rock, Arizona
San Xavier Pumping Plant, Arizona
Lock & Dam 13, Arkansas
Murray Dam, Arkansas
Chili Bar, California
Dutch Flat, California
Edmonston, California
Imperial Irrigation, California
Madera, California
McSwain, California
Opal Springs, California
Spring Creek, California
Woodleaf (Oroville Project), California
Hiram, Maine
Kennebec, Maine
Long Falls, Maine
Pejepscot, Maine
Lawrence Dam, Massachusetts
Truman Dam, Missouri
Glen Park, New York
Tuscarora, Niagara Falls, New York
Upper Mechanicville, New York
Foster, Oregon
Lost Creek, Oregon
Columbia, South Carolina
Mayfield, Washington
Appleton, Wisconsin
Port Edwards, Wisconsin