
Steam turbine for power generation

Advanced Bearing Technology Eliminates Subsynchronous Steam Turbine Vibrations

By Jong Kim, Waukesha Bearings
Published in POWER magazine, March 2015

For one of its power generation customers in Scandinavia, Doosan Škoda Power engineered a 46 MW steam turbine as part of a combined cycle system for generation of electricity as well as heat recovery. During the initial commissioning, the turbine experienced rotor instability that prevented the drive train from operating at full load. High subsynchronous vibrations forced a trip in turbine operation at just 27 MW versus the rated 46 MW.

Changes to the bearing clearances and configurations mitigated the vibrations but were not able to eliminate them completely. Doosan Škoda Power decided to contact Bearings Plus, a Waukesha Bearings business, for a damper solution.

Learn how ISFD technology maximized the damping ratio and eliminated the subsynchronous vibrations spikes in the March 2015 issue of POWER magazine or online at

Mar 5, 2015 | Article